Why a blog on GD?

I thought of writing something on diet for Gestational Diabetes (GD) when my daughter-in-law had GD last year. Being a vegetarian, she had very little choice when it came to American hospital diet. She was admitted in the hospital on the 26th week of gestation with high GD and for about 3 weeks, I had to manage her diet with proper calculation of carbohydrate, protein and fibre.With proper guidance and wonderful cooperation from her dietitian, we could keep her glucose level under control. She delivered a girl baby on her 29th week, and both mother and daughter are doing great today.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Diet Adai for Diabetes

Broken wheat (Samba) Rawa                 ---  1 cup
Toor dhal, urad dhal, Bengal gram dhal --   1/4 cup each
Red Chilli                                                 -- 2
Green Chilli                                              -- 2
Coriander and Curry leaves                    -- 2 tbsn 
Big Onion ( chopped nicely )                   -- 2
Salt to taste

1. Soak all three dhals after washing for about an hour.
2. Soak the rawa separately in just enough water to cover the rawa.
3. Gind the dhals with chilli and salt coarsely first in a mixer.
4. Then add the rawa and grind just once to mix them well.
5. Add the coriander and curry leaves with minced onion.
6. The batter should be of adai consistency.
7. Pat as small thick adai on a flat dosai tawa and turn sides with little oil.
8. Take it out in golden brown.
9. Any sambar is ok for side dish.
10. As wheat rawa has plenty of fiber and dhals plenty of protein, this is an ideal tiffin for all who are diet conscious.
11. It tastes really fine as I have just finished eating it!!! Enjoy!!

Following is an useful comment on this recipe by a Doctor in States:
With your proportions, I made 6 adais - so 3 servings at 2 adais per serving. I plugged in the recipe into a nutrition calculator that I sometimes use and this is what I came up with per serving:
Calories: 300
Carbs: 60
Fat: 2
Protein: 15
Fiber: 15
Sodium 7 ( using 1tsp of kosher salt - a lower sodium salt  for entire recipe )
The same recipe using white rice instead of bulgur wheat would give approx 350 cal, 70gm of carb, 13 gm of protein, and 5gm of fiber. As you yourself said earlier in your blog the carbs with rice are not complex carbs so although the difference is only about 10gm, one is getting more healthy carbs with your recipe and more fiber.

1 comment:

  1. Wow ... You are such a sweet heart Mom-in-law :) I just came across your page searching for a Indian GD diet recipes.
