Sunday, November 13, 2011

Simple things to do

Some tips on how to have your Sugar under control
Besides diet control, an active life is another factor in fighting diabetes.Everyone does not have desired time for work outs.I agree.But small efforts can give big results.
1.Do away with rocking and swirling chairs in office.Use a simple straight chair which will make you get up and sit down often burning calories, though in small amount.
2. Take a long route to walk to a destination instead of short cuts. Does not matter if it takes 5 to 10 minutes extra time.It may burn 50 to 100 calories.
3. Ignore lifts for climbing at least upto 3 floors.Regular compulsory climbing willyield a very good result in the long run.
4. Do not have an intercom inside the office.Walk the distance to talk to the person concerned instead of talking to him over the phone.
5. Best is not to get a parking space near the destination.Park the car far off, so that you will be compelled to walk some distance.
6. While doing work in the PC lift the legs up and down often while alone, that will burn small amounts of calories and also give lots of mobility to the limbs.
7. Drink plenty of water.Drinking lots of water serves 2 important purposes.One is it regulates the body metabolism very well and the second is, it makes you walk to the rest room often giving some excercise to the limbs!! Right??

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